Friday, May 05, 2006

Roon returned on Sunday. It was good to see him, but I suddenly don't feel free again - I can't stop thinking about being close to him. I crave the physical contact, not the sex, as I originally thought.

I feel really low today - I can't seem to make myself do any exercise - I was going to cycle over to Guildford to go swimming, but instead I'll compromise and bike over there - so that at least I get a little exercise (it should kick-start my body into feeling better about myself again)

Gav is also currently online - I'm both resisting the urge to talk to him & at the same time am trying not to wonder why he hasn't started to talk to me. I know that the right thing to do would be to delete him from my list of friends on messenger. So that's what I shall maybe in a minute. Good. Done. That was quite hard, but it's done.

I'm going to go and grab my stuff and go swimming and feel good about myself.

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